




Om mig: A horny man with lots of talent to enjoy pleasure but a lot of drive to go out of my way to please you. I love to be both dominant and submissive to my lovers. I am a Independent Musical Artist and producer but I have skills in web/graphic design, marketing, and HVAC systems. I also served time in the US Army with Information Technology, and Ammunition. No matter what I always fight with the last breath I have and will win the fight for good then do bad when I tear that pussy and ass up. https://tempted.com/pharoahzeus

Om mig

A horny man with lots of talent to enjoy pleasure but a lot of drive to go out of my way to please you. I love to be both dominant and submissive to my lovers. I am a Independent Musical Artist and producer but I have skills in web/graphic design, marketing, and HVAC systems. I also served time in the US Army with Information Technology, and Ammunition. No matter what I always fight with the last breath I have and will win the fight for good then do bad when I tear that pussy and ass up.

Gå till profil

Pharoah Zeus Personal information

Så ser jag ut

  • Etnicitet:
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  • Hårfärg:
  • Ögonfärg:
  • Längd:
    6 fot 72 tum (185 cm)

Pharoah Zeus Anal Leksaker Porrskapare Homosexuell HD Videor

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